Tuesday, July 26, 2011

 I got a letter from Nick today and he made my day! This is how he wrote me back... on sticky notes cutest thing ever. He put little dots on the top of every sticky note so i could read them in order. Now I have to think of a creative way to write him back!
Me and Meran signed up for golds on july 13th we also got a personal trainer his name is Greg he is aweseome and makes us work hard he doesn't let us give in! I can' wait untill October to see the results! 

Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July

So my 4th of July consisted of painting my fingernails and toenails & work :( I did get to have a BBQ with friends. It turned out to be really fun!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

My Old and New Backyard

This is our final project! We dug huge holes for the trees the solar lights were brown and we painted them red to match the tiki guys that we got. It turned out really cute:)
 Made a wall out of brick we took merans car to load them in and it took us 4 trips to home depot im sure they were laughing at us!

We as in me and meran are re- doing are backyard the weeds were growing like crazy! We couldn't step outside without stepping on weeds this is a pic of all the weeds we pulled. 

The Things I love :)

My new addiction is Diet Mt. Dew, it's the best diet drink!
I love country music! Especially Rascal Flatts 

New Adventure!

I was in Logan I already started a week of school there and it was going to take me two extra years to finish my major so I decided to move back to Cedar City. So I packed my bags right when i got home from school and went down to Cedar and the next day I registered for all my classes, I was already a week behind at SUU. I am so glad that I went back down to Cedar. . . I missed it! 

Friday, December 10, 2010

Wow these past months have flown by.

I have been at USU this past semester and I love it!
I have no idea what im majoring in now i guess its just a mystery.

I have two new foster brothers and love them to death

I have met some really cool people up here, I love my new singles ward!

Mckay only has 5 months left... so crazy!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I finally graduated from Cosmetology school on june 26th and i just moved to emery because i didn't have a job in cedar city. I have all of a sudden decided that i wanted to go to school at USU so im going to live with my grandma and grandpa Allred. I past my state boards for hair school too so im officially liscensed to do hair. For the 4th of july me mckoy and my mom and dad went up to logan to a car show, and to see my grandparents and then drove to idaho to see my great grandma. Meran and mcklane were in cedar... meran had to work! Meran is doing miss emery county so we will see how that goes! Im excited she will do well. My family and i are also going to florida the first of aug. so i will post pics!
Me and my Great Grandma Allred
Grandma & Grandpa Allred, Dad Mckoy Me!

Grandma & Grandpa Allred, Mom, Mckoy and Me!

Me with extentions!